
Development : Imag-ENR –

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Website editor : is edited by Association négaWatt.
French Association ‘loi 1901’, SIRET 492 130 653, Code NAF 9499Z.
Headquarters : Association négaWatt, Rovaltain TGV, 1 rue Marc Seguin, F-26300 Alixan.
Mail address : Association négaWatt, BP16280 Alixan, F-26958 Valence Cedex 9.
contact (at)
Editor in chief : Christian Couturier, President of Association négaWatt.

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As stated in the French ‘Informatique et Libertés’ bill of 6 January 1978, you have a right to access, modify, rectify, and delete any data related to you. For this, please contact :
Association négaWatt, BP16280 Alixan, F-26958 Valence Cedex 9, or : contact (at)

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